Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am doing a survey and would love your feedback?

What are some things you associate with Christians? For example, you know a Christian because they go to church, or they have a bible in their back car window. I want to know how do you know a Christian when you see them. i.e. they may wear a shirt or they have blessed on their vanity plates. Let me know cuz i am doing a survey and would love your thoughts.

I am doing a survey and would love your feedback?
Many wear cross necklaces.
Reply:If they practice what they preach!

A great many do!

But a great many don't as well

Mostly, you have to sit back and watch, and listen!
Reply:you shouldn't know a christian based on what they look like.

the korean christians being held by scum in afghanistan look like koreans. they wear clothes and take showers. nothing about their appearance would cause anyone to think they're christians.

wearing a cross no longer signifies being christian as we see countless sluts with crosses hanging between their breasts knowing full well they're not christians dressing like prostitutes.
Reply:You can't judge a book by its cover.

You cannot generalize here. How can you look at someone and KNOW? There is no way.
Reply:By the fruits they bear

whatever is in the heart will come out

you can see light and darkness in the eyes

the eyes are the window to the soul
Reply:I know a Christian by their humility. By their modesty of dress. By their hunger for the Word of God, which is the bread of life. By their fear and respect of God. By their diligent study of the Word of God. For husbands, by their loving care of their wives. For wives, by their submission to their husbands and loving care of their family. For children, by their honoring their father and mother.

I know a pseudo christian by the rest of the stuff.
Reply:I recognize other Christians by their love for others and their burden for a lost and dieing world, their hunger for Gods truths,and their passion for all thing of a Spiritual nature.The Bible says we can know them by their fruits and by their love for the brethren. God bless!!
Reply:The most religious have a way of shielding themselves from other people truly getting to know them, because they typically will not entertain any form of motivation, thought, or feeling without attributing it to God.

e.g., God's decided to bless our day with a little rain to go with our picnic.

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Reply:Many people are definitely Christians and don't do *any* of those things.
Reply:many christians can be identified by T-shirts, jewelry etc. but that may simply be a show...truely know a christian by their actions and by the love they show.
Reply:To tell you the truth, they're just ordinary people who like other people of other religions try to base their lives on moral principles. True Christians for me are those who are slow to judge and quick to listen. Those who are compassionate, and most importantly love their neighbor as themselves. Those who are open minded and do not see things for what they are and take things literally. Anyone can be a Christian, its just a matter on how you label yourself. I believe the same is true of the 5 major world religions.
Reply:A christiian walks the talk.You must get to know that person before making a judgement.For some people say they are christian but their way of life does not reflect their belief.

Others lives will reflect their belief in Jesus Christ.For example say a person says that he/she loves everyone yet does not go to help someone who needs help .Do you really think that person really loves everyone?
Reply:i only know a christain after i talk to them
Reply:you should know a Christian not by the Bible they carry or by the t-shirts they wear proclaiming their beliefes but by their every day behaviours. by how they treat themselves and others with respect. anybody can carry a Bible and spout off Bible passages and have special license plates and clothes that loudly proclaim them as being followers of Christ but if their actions show differently then it's just hype and nothing else.
Reply:You can't necessarily tell who is a Christian by the way a person looks or the clothes he/she wears. Christianity is a matter of what's in the person's heart.

That said, if you see a Christian-related bumper sticker on a vehicle, that's a sign. If the person has a spot of ashes on their forward on Ash Wednesday, that's a sign. If the person has a crucifix or cross in their home, that's a sign. (But wearing a cross around the neck does not necessarily mean one is a Christian.) If one is dressed as a nun, priest, mininster, pastor, that's a sign. The people getting in or out of their cars in a church parking lot is a sign. A person praying before a meal is a sign.
Reply:oki, im going to try to not insult anyone. but i associate these things with christianity:

Crosses, Mary, Chrurches, Christmass, Mass, Hypocracy, Intolerance, Concervatism, Corruption, Classical Music, Angels.

plz note that some of these only apply to certain christians, who occasionally seem the norm. i know christians beleifs are VERY wide, and not all christians are the same.
Reply:You can't based on someone's appearance. Check out their words and actions.
Reply:You can't, in general. Christians are much too diverse to generalize.

There are a few clues that work for *some* people.

- Carrying a rosary.

- Wearing a cross on a necklace.

- A Christian gesture, such as the sign of the cross.

- Statues or icons of Jesus or saints in the garden. (Angels don't count, especially the little cute ones.)

- A Christian bumper sticker or vanity plate on their car. (Unreliable. for example, my non-Christian brother sometimes drives my Christian mom's car.)

- A Christian T-shirt. (Won't work with me, because i'm an apostate who hasn't thrown the T-shirts away.)

- Regular attendance at church services. (Unreliable for individual members of a churchgoing family. Some non-believing adolescents attend under protest, and some non-believing spouses attend for the sake of family harmony.)

- Won't shut up about Jesus or the Bible.



- Behavior. There are good Christians (MLK Jr.), bad Christians (Hitler), good heathens (Bob Geldof), and bad heathens (Stalin). Totally unreliable.

- Use of "god" in one's speech. Some are non-Christian theists (Joe Lieberman), some are atheists who use "God" as a metaphor (Einstein, Hawking), and some say "god" out of habit. Totally unreliable.

- Celebration of Christmas or Easter. These are cultural celebrations as much as religious holidays, and are pagan in origin anyway. Totally unreliable.


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