Monday, May 24, 2010

Survey: Would you rather have love or respect? Please answer only one and indicate male or female?

Please give a two word answer, (love or respect) and (male or female). I know a lot of you say both and, you can't have one without the other and have long opinions to write. Just separate the two word answer from your opinion. It's easier to count the totals.

I have asked this question several times to get enough Qualified responses.

Current total of Qualified Answeres: 66

Men for Respect: 13

Men for Love: 4

Women for Respect: 36

Women for Love: 13

Survey: Would you rather have love or respect? Please answer only one and indicate male or female?

Reply:Respect, Female

But yeah, how do you love someone if you don't respect them?

Reply:love, female

i think life without love is the saddest thing. and with love, you find respect (most of the times)
Reply:Respect..Love is over-rated..
Reply:love... if you have their love you probably have their respect.


you have to truly respect (in every form of the word),someone to love them with all your heart.
Reply:respect ties in wit love... so yeaa, love
Reply:love - female
Reply:love woman

teeth whitening

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