Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey: Would you rather have love or respect? Please answer only one and indicate male or female?

I know a lot of you say both and, you can't have one without the other. However, Please just choose one. Also indicate male or female.

I have asked this question several times to get enough Qualified responses.

Current total of Qualified Answeres: 38

Men for Respect: 11

Men for Love: 2

Women for Respect: 19

Women for Love: 6

Survey: Would you rather have love or respect? Please answer only one and indicate male or female?
Reply:respect Im a chick
Reply:Respect - Man
Reply:I know that love will carry me to a peaceful end and ultimately that is what I want.but as a business owner some days it seems like I am surrounded with people filled with love and no brains!
Reply:respect - woman
Reply:female + respect
Reply:love - woman
Reply:I would normally say love.... but....

my husband says he loves me but he doesnt show it and Im sure he has no respect for me.

so, I suppose that now I would say respect.

I am a woman....just in case some may think im in a gay relationship
Reply:woman respect.
Reply:Love because you can't make some one love you but you can make them respect you. - Woman
Reply:Female: respect
Reply:All I know is that women deserve love while men want trust from women
Reply:Woman- Respect

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