Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Survey about love ~~~~~~~~>>>?

did u gave all your love to someone or did u have saved some love for others.....?

Survey about love ~~~~~~~~%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;?
love is always multiplying so there is always love to give to friends, famil and the one you love.
Reply:well love is not something that'll be extinguished...it can always be renewed...
Reply:love always multiplies, so there's always more
Reply:I have unlimited pure love.
Reply:saved some love for myself....not for others
Reply:I just love myself......So Im full of love..Hehehe!
Reply:the thing about love......is when you give it.....and have it returned......it grows.....and fills your soul with light.........everytime you spread you love...instead of getting smaller the light grows...and soon will you're soul will be engulfed in a the heavenly light...(not god's light, though....or necessarily...)
Reply:........I've saved my love for several people.........
Reply:the effect of giving all of your love on one is much more effective than spreading it out.
Reply:Yes and then they stomped on Wonder's heart like a dirty old umbrella, broken from being thrown down 14 flights of stairs.

* weeping *
Reply:Believe it or not,the love you gave to your first isn't the same love you gave your last,because we change as we get older.It doesn't mean that you can't give quality loving,it's going to be different for each person you meet.Just like every relationship is different,so is your love for each individual.The important thing is that you never stop loving.You give your all every time and hope for the best.Why look back and ask yourself-Could i have givin more?There are no guarantees.The only guarantee there is,is that you'll give your all.Goodluck1
Reply:i have so much love to give, and to all who is willing to accept it..

just nobody wants it...

wisdom teeth

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